about beckey

Hi, I'm Beckey.

I live in Bend, Oregon with my husband, three kids, and a pug named Hazel.

Tell me something about you:

My family and I lived in an Airstream trailer and traveled the U.S.

It was an outstanding decision.

I tend to overshare. I like being outside. I like hot beverages in ceramic mugs.

Some of my favorite words are, skirmish, jazzy, rectangle, mosquito, and crunchy.

What business do you have telling me how to write?

I went to college! I have a B.A. degree in English with an emphasis in writing.

I have had numerous articles published in these amazing magazines. I also ran a successful blog called Hippo Brigade for 8 years. It's no longer alive, so don't go looking for it.

R.I.P. Hippo Brigade

::Kisses fingers and points to the sky::

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Want to get in touch?
Email me here

Why did you create this site?

I want you to write! I want this to be an encouraging space to create and find your voice. I imagine it to be like a cozy living room with a fireplace and too many throw pillows.